Informações sobre o Askey RTV9015VW / router / gateway. Teardown, hacking, unlocking (desbloqueio), firmwares, custom images, recuperação, bridge.
Modifique o dispositivo somente se for o proprietário. A maioria destes são fornecidos pelo seu ISP em regime de comodato como parte do serviço de internet. Não faça modificações caso o aparelho não seja seu.
Todos os métodos de desbloqueio e material sobre modificações foram criados pelo O3 Labs e disponibilizados GRATUITAMENTE desde o dia de sua elaboração. Espalhem esta informação e ajudem a evitar que PICARETAS roubem e vendam estas informações por aí, seja no Mercado Livre ou por quaisquer outros meios.
Clique na foto para abrir o álbum.
SoC | Realtek RTL8685SF - BootLoader RTL867X |
Flash | MX25L6406E (8 MB) |
Switch | Integrado |
USB | Não |
Wireless 2.4 GHz | RTL8192ER 802.11b/g/n / 2.4 GHz |
DSL | 1 ( RTL8275 ) |
FXS | 1 ( Microsemi (Microchip) - Le9641PQC ) |
HPNA | Não |
Serial | Sim |
JTAG | ? |
This is a Askey branded VDSL modem used for some brazilian telecom and also for Movistar.
It is known for better long line compatibility.
There are 2 versions of this modem available, although internally they are the same. There is a small version and a sightly bigger version.
For the brazilian version:
There is a known flaw in the first firmware release where the user could access the wifi by trying the default wifi password. The password was just the wifi MAC Address which could be checked using any wifi scan tool.
The recently updated firmware fixed that issue, however, it also removed the Saveconf.htm page which allowed the user to change the modem advanced settings. Fortunately, this can be bypassed, but the user must know some html tricks.
Firmware Dumped;
This modem allows the user to do some system configuration. The default GUI is mostly disabled so user cannot change settings such as the VOIP settings.
For the old firmware, to enable the firmware advanced settings do the following:
Open the web browser and access
User: support
Pass: Check the label in the modem: password is the same as admin's password
Open a new tab to access
Save the “config.img” config file. Use Notepad application to edit it.
Change the following lines
Save the file and upload it on
Reboot the modem.
*adapted from Claudio_Jacobsen explanation
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